Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fun Fast Debt Elimination: JOB BOARDS

Lets face it with the unemployment numbers still hovering around nine percent, if you are one of the twenty five million Americans out of work getting out of debt may seem like a impossible feet. Fun Fast Debt Elimination has put together the top job boards on the internet to make your job search a little easier.

* American Preferred
* Bakos Group
* Best Jobs USA
* Career Exposure
* CareerBuilder
* HireBreed
* Hireforjobs
* HireNet
*Job Bank USA
* JobClub
* JobsExcite
* Jobvertise
* Monster
* NationalJobBank
* Net-Temps
* Resumes2Work
* SmartHunt
* TalentSpider
* The Talent Bank
* Yahoo! HotJobs
* ZillionResumes

Key Words: fun fast debt elimination,debt condition,debt elimination,pay off debt,debt free living,eliminate debt,debt relief

Fun Fast Debt Elimination: Two Rules That Will Teach You How Too Save Money

Fun Fast Debt Elimination: Save Money? Most of us say that we can barely keep our heads above water. After the monthly bills are paid there is nothing left.

In fact, for many of us, there is too much month left at the end of the money, instead of the other way around.

But the fact is that even people with very low incomes can save money in surprising amounts by learning how to manage the money they have.


The first step you need to take is to start saving NOW! Even today there are choices to make: Is this an essential expense? Is this an expense that can be deferred? Is this something I want or is this something I need?

In most cases, a salary that does not stretch from payday to payday does not mean insufficient funds – it simply means the timing of the expense and the pay check are off. It also says that you are probably not as careful a spender the week after payday as you are the week before. When we talk about savings most people think, “O.K., I will try living on a budget, and at the end of the month I will put what is left over into a savings account.”

But it does not work that way. Something always goes wrong. At the end of the month, you come up short. The solution is pay yourself first.

RULE # 2:

The most pain free way to save is to pay your self first. That is put, yourself and your future before any other demand on your money, and deposit a set amount every payday into a saving or investment program.

Many employers offer payroll plans that automatically deposit a sum, determined by you, into a savings account each payday. This way you will never see the money, let alone be tempted to spend it. It is regular, it is constant, and you quickly adjust to it. Banks, too will automatically move a set sum into a saving account.

This eliminates the need for will power. The important thing is to have the money come directly out of your paycheck, or right out of your checking account before you have the chance to spend it. Just think of your savings as a bill that needs to be paid first.

Key Words: fun fast debt elimination,debt condition,debt elimination,pay off debt,debt free living,eliminate debt,debt relief

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eliminate Debt: Plastic Surgery for your credit cards

IT’S NOT MONOPOLY MONEY – Fun Fast Debt Elimination

Every financial expert gives the same piece of advice: Get out of the credit card rat race! But many of us forget or have never quiet realized that the purchases we make with plastic will have to be paid for with real dollars.

Studies show that shoppers and diners spend at least 30 percent more when they use a credit card than when they pay in cash!

When you use a credit card, you are really borrowing money taking out a loan on which a high interest must be paid.

With offers of credit cards in the mail almost everyday even to students and kids some people have wound up owing a wallet full of cards, with outstanding amounts on every one . It’s madness.

There are several real, practical uses for credit cards. One is as I.D. in cashing checks. Another is to rent cards it’s impossible now to do this for cash because car rental agencies demand to see a credit card.

You can use them for telephone transactions and internet purchases. Also it is convenient to use one for hotels and meals when in travel.

You are in an ideal spot when you can own a credit card to use in emergencies, but pay off debt when it comes.

Key Words: fun fast debt elimination,debt condition,debt elimination,pay off debt,debt free living,eliminate debt,debt relief